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What’s In My Make-Up Bag? | Travel Edition 2018


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I was away from home for almost a week and was traveling to two different places for two different purposes. Therefore, I had to pack my bag also accordingly. The common thing was the temperature. Weather conditions in both the cities were soaring and the sun was shining brightly & unconditionally.

I tried to pack minimal things and only those that I would actually use but the heat didn’t allow me to experiment with make-up so most of the time I had to keep it simple. I am a beginner in the makeup segment and learning every day. But I try my level best to do a neat work. In the essential pouch, I have the vital requirement for the weather conditions we were going to be in. The face graphic pouch is from Shein and the other one is from Westside.

In the essential pouch, I have some basic personal care products like a sunscreen (obviously), day cream, Kohl/Kajal, travel size perfume, hair ties, hair serum, Anti-Tan face pack (because unfortunately sunscreens never work on my skin), lipsticks and lip balm. Hair serum is necessary for people with frizzy hair because believe me your hair won’t behave at all at that temperature. Coming to the makeup essentials, I was carrying the MyGlam Concealer+Foundation palette, Huda Beauty Eyeshadow, Maybelline Nudes Palette, The Balm Cosmetics’s Highlighter, Makeup Brushes, Mascara and a Contour cream based application. I feel the products that I carry in my travel pouch are more than enough for someone who rarely applies makeup. Also, I do carry a tiny pouch in my handbag too that has a lip tint, perfume, and a compact.

What all do you carry in your makeup pouch/bag? Let me know in the comment section below!


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Hope you liked the post!

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8 thoughts on “What’s In My Make-Up Bag? | Travel Edition 2018”

  1. Nice picks! My travel products change depending on where I am going and the occasion and weather etc. But few staples are lip balm, kajal, mascara. The brands fluctuate depending on what I am liking at that moment 🙂


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