A Day in My Life

A Fresh Start

From demonetization to the gory scene in Bangalore, we started 2017 on a bad note. Not that demonetization is bad ! But it had its pros and cons.

Don’t let the new year sneak up on you. What are you going to do different this year ? Not that doing what you already do is wrong ! *being diplomatic* I am sure there are a lot of people like me, who is still stuck in 2016. Now is the perfect time to start 2017 with some positive ideas and to take charge of what you are getting out of life.

  • New Experiences 

Each month, 30 days in a row, carry out something new that you have always thought about doing but was extremely lazy. I might sound childish, but I always wanted to buy the cursive writing books and write till the end. I am sure I would finish one book in 5 mins. Discover new music and listen to something new. Start now !

  • Write letter 

In the days of cellphone, laptop, internet, writing letters can seem pretty unfashionable but is the most beautiful thing ever. It’s an art worth bringing back. This generation has forgotten the beauty of writing, now that schools and colleges have also opted for tablet and laptop instead of note books. “Letter writing is probably the most beautiful manifestation in human relations,” John Graham wrote to his wife Elinor in 1958. Because sending a letter is the next best thing to showing up personally at someone’s door. Ink from your pen touches the stationary, your fingers touch the paper, your saliva seals the envelope.  Think about it !

  • Travel

Travel is for good. It broadens your mind and develops cultural attachment. You always learn something from your trips. Sometimes it’s hard to judge what is a necessity and what is a luxury. Taking responsibility for your own luggage early in life teaches you what you can survive without, and how this varies for different trips. What better way to prove the real-life importance of classroom maths than being able to understand and use a currency? When we travel we explore new tastes, see different cooking techniques and learn how other cultures eat together. Decision-making and the ability to accept you made the right decision at the time are key skills. Travelling is one long exercise in executing a plan: you get advice, read recommendations, talk it through, decide, go do it.

  • Makeover

What more than a fresh look for the new year ! I always wanted to colour my hair blue and razor one side of my head. Total punk ! Let’s see if I can get that done !! If you love makeup, head to YouTube for some amazing tutorials. It’s always fun. Trust me, I have learnt a lot about make up on YouTube. Go to a fancy salon close by and jazz up your hair style for a change. A makeover rejuvenates you. Remember you are never too old to reinvent yourself. Invest in yourself !!

  • Pamper Yourself 

A new year is a new start so in order to feel fresh and excited, you must absolutely pamper yourself. A long bathe with your favourite chocolate ice cream. Heaven !

The secret to getting ahead is getting started. So what are you waiting for ??

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Cheers 🙂

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