A Thing Called Fashion

Back In Time

Are you old school or new school? Have you wondered how much of you is classic and how much is contemporary?

Well, I am partially old school especially when it comes to relationships and the way I try my level best to keep the bond strong. That also defines me as a keeper, with respect to friends, family, and things. I would always prefer a book over Kindle and write handwritten letters instead of emails. There was a time when I took a stupid quiz that I saw on my social media network which said: “How old school are you?”. I still have the result from that quiz (told you I am a keeper) and it said – “You’re a blast from the past! You’re very old-fashioned! Conservative, down to earth, and hardworking. You’re a dying breed who prefers quiet, relaxed spaces and you’d rather be at home curled up with a fascinating movie than out running. You prefer writing handwritten letters by sending an email or a text, and you probably don’t understand mainstream music. You’re traditional and tend to have conservative views on family, children, and gender. You keep us grounded and remind us where we come from.” 

Well! Well! Well! What can I say! Not that I believe in these quizzes but it’s just for fun.

What are your thoughts on vintage clothing and old school fashion trends? We are already getting back most of them, starting with bell sleeves, chalk stripe pants, neon heels, off shoulders etc. Oh! how did I forget the sunglasses or the clear glasses for that matter? The 80’s were the perfect time to mix and match neon colors and nail it like you don’t care. We learned fashion from famous stars like Cyndi Lauper and Madonna. Madonna is the queen who taught us everything we know!

On a different note, have you ever noticed that vintage clothes that we find in our grandma’s trunk or mom’s wardrobe are still wearable compared to something you bought recently (maybe a month back) online or from a store? The more the cost of the apparel, substandard the material or the quality. The end game with fashion used to be quality over quantity rather than the reverse, which is what happens these days. The oldest of the vintage clothing has the best work and fabric, unlike today where a dress that costs thousands of rupees boasts barely a millimeter of extra fabric. The apparel looks like it was manufactured for paying off their factory and store rent. Fashion brands have become more about the interiors of the store rather than the design. These days clothes are extremely cheaper to make but not cheaper to own. Vintage clothing in one of a kind and unique. I wish we had vintage stores or thrift shops in India especially Bangalore. Sophia Amoruso understood fashion better than anyone.

Food for thought maybe?


Photography – Kslenscapes

Outfit Details –

Crop Top – Forever21

Shrug – Forever21

Trousers – BeCurvyFashion

Heels – StreetStyleStore














Location Courtesy – The Courtyard House

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7 thoughts on “Back In Time”

  1. I am an old school…. I m in love with your outfit…So chic and outgoing! love the way you have presented the article… And yes, I always notice old clothes that we find in our grandma’s trunk or mom’s wardrobe are still wearable compared to a recently purchased one. And style usually is more or less the same…..


  2. I am in between old school and experimental. I do like to add a bit of newness to my looks every now and then but I don’t go for drastic changes at once. I slowly incorporate new pieces in my style. I love to experiment with accessories as they are most easy and quick way to bring a change. Love Orange shades on you!



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